Over Masturbation Pills

Wednesday 17 September 2014

How Can I Regain My Health After Years Of Excessive Masturbation With Home Remedies?

Regular indulgence in hand practice to get stimulation and to feel pleasure is promoted by many global health organizations but many young men complains of pain and poor concentration after doing it regularly. Additionally, some find it addictive as it can have psychological effects.  Excess pressure application on the organ can result in permanent damage to the nerve endings found on the organ and this can reduce the coordination with brain resulting in loss of control over erection.  Some men suffer from dysfunction of the organ due to excessive indulgence in it. The miraculous effects of shilajit are used in preparation of many herbal remedies that can treat the condition. NF Cure capsule, Shilajit capsule and Mast Mood oil are three natural remedies which can be taken to regain health after years of excessive masturbation.

The substances in the extract Shilajit is taken from mountain ranges of Hindukush and Himalaya and it contains moisture, vegetable matters, resins, gums, minerals etc. The color of Shilajit varies depending on the constitution of viscous fluids extracted from the mountains but the real Shilajit is the one which melts in hand and has the smell of bitumen. The brown color Shilajit is bitter in taste and in general, it behaves like plastic which softens on heating. However, it can easily dissolve in water without giving any residue and pure Shilajit has limitless shelf life. Real Shilajit as many health benefits and it can be taken regularly to regain health after years of excessive masturbation.

There are many vitamins, minerals and amino acids in the bio active compounds found in shilajit, which makes it appropriate supplements for a range of health problems. In US, it is sold as supplement for testosterone boosting and it has been widely researched for its beneficial properties in India, USSR and US. It mostly contains 85 minerals which are found in ionic form but the real composition varies depending on the region from where it is extracted. Both NF Cure capsule and Shilajit capsule contain the natural compound to provide the rejuvenating impact on male reproductive organs.

Outcome of research on black Shilajit rocks

1. Black Shilajit improved cardio vascular functions in male body. The rock Shilajit (having 6.6 percent Fulvic acid) was able to reduce the level of triglycerides in healthy adults. Its regular intake can increase HDL-C by 5.8 percent. The research showed it could improve blood flow in body organs. As the blood restriction to dull male organs caused by plaque formation reduces, the sensation of the organ increases. Hence, it can be taken to regain health after years of excessive masturbation.

2. Its intake provided positive effects to reduce pain as it was able to influence nocioreceptor, the compound responsible for perception of pain. When Shilajit was given to rats in laboratory, it was able to increase tolerance level of morphine.

One can regain health after years of excessive masturbation by taking NF Cure capsule, Shilajit capsule made up of shilajit, and massage the organ with herbal Mast Mood oil enhances blood flow to the male organs and improves brain to organ coordination.

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